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29 ListsOaklandPL_Childrens
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General Recommendations
Interactive Children's Books
"Here are some suggestions to help you get your hands on great books! OPL reinforces flaps and repairs pop-up items, so don't be afraid to let your child explore with their sense of touch."
General Recommendations
Pacific Islander Experiences in Children's Literature
"Stories about the Pacific Islands and the people/cultures of Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia; preference given to works by PI / Pasifika creators."
General Recommendations
MENA Experiences in Children's Literature
"Stories about the Middle Eastern/North African area/people/cultures; preference given to works by MENA creators."
Top Picks
Asian Experiences in Children's Books
"Oakland librarians selected our favorite books reflecting diverse Asian experiences. Every book on this list is written and/or illustrated by Asian creators."
General Recommendations
Great Picture Books Starring Black Characters
"These picture books feature Black children as they explore the outdoors, play with friends, celebrate their heritage and themselves! Every book on this list is written and/or illustrated by Black creators."